UIU Messenger Groups for Spring 2021
BIO 3105 - Biology for Engineers
Section: Haven’t decided yet now! - Give a knock to Masuma Tasnim
Math 2183 - Calculus and Linear Algebra
Section: A - Give a knock to Sajib Talukder
Section: B - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: C - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: D - Give a knock to Md. Aftab Uddin Toufiq
Section: E - Give a knock to Sami Rahman
Section: F - Give a knock to Al Ahad Arman
Section: G - Give a knock to Jahid Sami
Math 2201 - Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis
Section: A - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: E - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: F - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
CSE 2215 - Data Structure and Algorithms I
Section: A - Give a knock to Rezoana Ahamed Samira
Section: D - Give a knock to Jahid Sami
CSE 2217 - Data Structure and Algorithms II
Section: A - Give a knock to Juairia Thea
Section: C - Give a knock to Safayed Bin Islam
CSE 2218 - Data Structure and Algorithms II Laboratory
Section: A - Give a knock to Safayed Bin Islam
Section: C - Give a knock to Juairia Thea
CSE 1325 - Digital Logic Design
Section: A - Give a knock to Siyam Ahmed
Section: B - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: C - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: D - Give a knock to Sajib Talukder
Section: E - Give a knock to Md. Fahim Bin Amin
Section: F - Give a knock to Fahim Khan
CSE 1326 - Digital Logic Design Lab
Section: C - Give a knock to Al Ahad Arman
Section: E - Give a knock to Maliha Mahfuja
Section: F - Give a knock to Farhanul Arifeen
CSE 2213 - Discrete Mathematics
Section: A - Give a knock to Md. Fahim Bin Amin
Section: B - Give a knock to Golam Mahmud Nafiz
Section: C - Give a knock to Fahim Khan
Section: D - Give a knock to Milad Mohammad Farabi
Section: E - Give a knock to Maliha Mahfuja
ECO 4101 - Economics
Section: A - Give a knock to Sajib Talukder
MATH 1151 - Fundamental Calculus
Section: A - Give a knock to Siyam Ahmed
Section: B - Give a knock to Tazveer Khan
Section: C - Give a knock to Iftekhar Ifty
Section: E - Give a knock to Arif Foysal Nayeem
Section: F - Give a knock to Mohammad Masum
IPE 3401/IPE 401/IPE 4101 - Industrial and Operational Management
Section: C - Give a knock to Mehedi Hassan
CSE 1115 - Object Oriented Programming
Section: A - Give a knock to Md. Aftab Uddin Toufiq
Section: B - Give a knock to Arif Foysal Nayeem
Section: C - Give a knock to Golam Mahmud Nafiz
Section: D - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: E - Give a knock to Al Ahad Arman
CSE 1116 - Object Oriented Programming Lab
Section: B - Give a knock to Farhanul Arifeen
CSE 4509 - Operating Systems
Section: B - Give a knock to Juairia Thea
CSE 4510- Operating Systems Laboratory
Section: A - Give a knock to Juairia Thea
PHY 105 - Physics
Section: A - Give a knock to Mohammad Masum
Section: B - Give a knock to Farhanul Arifeen
Section: C - Give a knock to Fahim Khan
Section: E - Give a knock to Abdul Muhit Chowdhury Badshah
PHY 106 - Physics Lab
Section: A - Give a knock to Milad Mohammad Farabi
Section: B - Give a knock to Farhanul Arifeen
Section: D - Give a knock to Siyam Ahmed
Section: E - Give a knock to Nizamul Haque Jishan
MATH 2205 - Probability and Statistics
Section: C - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: D - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
Section: E - Give a knock to Abrar Zahin
CSE 4523 - Simulation and Modeling Theory
Section: A - Give a knock to Sumaya Bintay Mannan
CSI 424 - Simulation and Modeling Laboratory
Section: B - Give a knock to Sumaya Bintay Mannan
CSI 321 - Software Engineering
Section: A - Give a knock to Mehedi Hassan
CSE 1111 - Structured Programming Language
Section: C - Give a knock to Milad Mohammad Farabi
CSE 1112 - Structured Programming Language Laboratory
Section: B - Give a knock to Abdul Muhit Chowdhury Badshah
Section: E - Give a knock to Iftekhar Ifty
Section: F - Give a knock to Fahim Khan
Section: G - Give a knock to Jahid Sami