
A crash course on C# programming language from freecodecamp.

Project maintained by FahimFBA Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

C# Crash Course

This course was followed from freecodecamp. You can follow their website for more amazing informations.

You can follow these procedures to run C# codes in your windows machine

You can follow this index for maintaining the serial:

  1. Hello World Hello World
  2. Variables
  3. Data Types
  4. Working With String
  5. Working With Numbers
  6. Getting User Input
  7. Building A calculator
  8. Building A Mad Lib
  9. Arrays
  10. Methods
  11. Return Statement
  12. If Statement
  13. If Statement Continuing
  14. Building A Better Calculator
  15. Switch Statements
  16. While Loops
  17. Do While Loops
  18. Building A Guessing Game
  19. For Loops
  20. Building An Exponent Method
  21. 2D Arrays
  23. Exception Handling
  24. Classes & Objects
  25. Object Methods
  26. Getters & Setters
  27. Static Class Attributes
  28. Static Methods & Classes
  29. Inheritance